Another farm season, another soil sample. After attending the ACRES Conference in the fall, we were reminded of the importance of living soil and understanding our soil make up in order to support healthy crop growth. While at the conference we met a representative from Midwest Labs and liked what they had to offer. They sent the results electronically and with an account, you can retrieve past results online, pretty sweet. Here are the results from our soil samples we took earlier this year.

Compared to our first soil sample in 2009 prior to even buying the property, we think these results look solid. Our first test showed organic content of 3.7% vs. 7% currently. Our pH is still quite high and our plan is to add peat moss to lower it, while also adding organic matter and increasing water retention. The results also illustrate that we do not need to add amendments (N, P, K, S, CA, Mg). Overall, we are pretty happy with the results since it seems to indicate that our hard work over the past couple of years has paid dividends. We are still learning, however, and welcome input on these results.
Looking at the details of your results, it makes me wonder if the soil test kit, the one with the colored capsules, is worth anything.
Hi Brandon,
Thanks for your comment. We have never used that type of kit, so I cannot comment on how it works.