life at the plot!

There is life at the plot:) the raised beds we set up earlier this year have started to support growth and plants are starting to flourish, despite a very shaky start. Looks like we may get some squash and zucchini at the very least. There is also a watermelon, though it got a bit of a late start, so will probably not produce…..The straw is there for mulch to help keep the soil moist and retain water. We added it at the beginning because we didn’t have a water solution at the time.

butternut squash
butternut squash

0 thoughts on “life at the plot!

  1. Vanessa says:

    More than just rocks! Way to go! imagine, zuchinni in that garden but not your home garden? hmmmm, what’s up with that?

  2. Vanessa says:

    crap i can’t spell today. fingers are going faster than my antiquated computer (only 1 year old)