Since we started this journey in 2010, we have tried growing all sorts of lettuce varieties and there are numerous choices out there. To date, our best performing lettuce is Johnny’s Salanova. Seeds come pelleted for easy planting. We plant in soil blocks and then transplant in the field. When we harvest, we mix the red and green varieties to make a nice bagged mix. The taste is delicious and the mix lasts about 7-10 days in the fridge. It’s easy to cut, core, wash and bag. It’s pricey, but worth it in our opinion since it performs so well. Plus, the pelleted seeds mean we don’t waste seeds during planting.

What size soil blocks are you using for the Salanova lettuce? Also, How long are the hoops over the bed?
To plant a garden is to believe in the future.
Those were grown using the 20 standup blocker. We have switched to the 35 standup blocker for salanova. I believe those are 10 EMT conduit. We have also switched to smaller wire hoops we get from our ag supply store. We will try to make a new post soon with those updates … Thanks!