Jang Seeder

Last year we purchased a Jang Clean Seeder for planting rows of veggies. The past 2 weekends we have used the seeder and wanted to share an update of how it works. Since, we are still awaiting germination on most of the plants, we cannot comment too much on its precision in terms of the number of seeds it plants. However, we have deciphered the gears to use and the planting wheels to use for each of our seeds, which was no easy feat! Hoping to see beautiful rows of veggies any day now (arugula is up, but too small to tell how the rows are going to shape up).

Here is a brief video showing the seeder in action:

Jang Clean Seeder
Jang in action

0 thoughts on “Jang Seeder

  1. Chris Cowen says:

    Congratulations! That is so great that we have our first CSA right here in Lakewood. 🙂

  2. Ed Spiess says:

    I was looking for more feedback on the seeder. I’ve looked at quite a few now, the Jang seems to be the best bargain. What are your impressions after using for one season. Thanks Ed [email protected]

    • Spink Bickle says:

      I have only used a Jang seeder so I can’t really compare it to anything else. Some bad points, I found the wheels to be a bit expensive and added quite a bit to the total expense of the seeder. The instructions were in poorly translated English, I have an engineering degree and in the end I got it all figured out, but it was a bit challenging. I stripped out a bolt, but I have a friend that re-drilled and tapped. On the good side, once I had my seed rates / wheels figured out through some trial and error, it is pretty easy to setup for each planting. It really puts the seeds down evenly. And best of all, I can plant a bed (2′ X 30′ our SPIN bed size) in about 10 minutes total. I would highly recommend one.

  3. cammanacres says:


    Just wondering what ever happened with the Jang seeder? My husband and I are ready to purchase one for our family farm. Any suggestions?



    • Annabel says:

      We love our Jang Seeder and highly recommend it. The upfront cost is a tough pill to swallow but the Jang really performs consistently. If you have a specific questions let me know.