The Organic Seed Growers and Trade Association (OSGATA) has done it. The are suing Monsanto! Can you believe that? They actually filed on behalf of 60 farmers (they have since added 23 more) all they way back on March 29, 2011. I just found out about this because they have a big court date coming […]
Happy New Year! Well, here we are in January and we just enjoyed a salad of fresh greens, including spinach and lettuce from the hoop house and arugula from outside. It has snowed and melted and snowed again, but temps remain unseasonably mild, which seems to help the arugula. The hoop house was nice and […]
Well, it’s not much, but we did get some honey from the girls this year. Unfortunately, the hive couldn’t recover from an early summer swarm and a second swarm later in the summer. We tried to re-queen (you can buy a queen on the internet for $20), but for whatever reason, it didn’t work and […]
For the past few years we have set aside money for continued education…yes, even farmers need to go to class! Our first learning opportunity was the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) Conference, which is held in Granville, OH each February. We were on the verge of growing for market when we attended that […]
Planting garlic seems to have become our Halloween weekend ritual. And, what a lovely day it was for being outside at the farm. Although garlic offered a nice complement to our market (scapes in June and garlic throughout the latter half of the season), we have scaled back our production a bit this year. Partly […]
It is a fitting end to a season that started with a rainy and cold spring. Last night we sat at our final market under our trusty, newly repaired (thanks Spink!) tent getting soaked by the driving rain and wind. We had made the commitment to sell at the LEAF Harvest Fest and had a […]
After a brutal season for carrots, we finally have a successful bed…
We don’t usually sell tomatoes or peppers at the market….but we are tired of canning so we’ve brought a basket of extras today. And we are trying an experiment allowing customers to name their own price. We’ll see how it goes. Post update: Well, I don’t think we’ll be doing this experiment again. Some people […]
Cold temps at night? Time for greens! Hoop house is full of flats ready to transplant…
It has been a busy year! We are starting to feel it and the recent fall-like weather has us thinking of fall eats. We recently planted kale, spinach and lettuce…all of which love cool weather. And, we have a great looking bed of arugula and greens to sell this week. August was a great month […]