Category Archives: in the dirt

Grillo Tractor – Berta Rotary Plow

Yesterday, we awoke at 4 am to drive to Earth Tools in Kentucky and pick up a Grillo Tractor (similar to a BCS 2-wheeled tractor) with Berta Rotary Plow attachment….yes, we might be crazy….big kudos to spinkbickle for tirelessly researching the internet, blogs and calling Joel – the man behind Earth Tools and the true […]

purple beans and garlic!

tonight we harvested our first batch of purple string beans….yes, they are purple, which really helps in the harvesting process….but they do turn green when cooked. they are delicious. nothing like fresh-picked dinner! we only planted a little bit of garlic last fall and it is now hanging in the garage to dry out. we […]

plot update

baybranch farm got themselves some land …. it’s kind of crazy but we hope to garden / farm this 40′ X 120′ vacant lot near our home. this year our main goal is to build the soil and setup the infrastructure to grow grow grow vegetables next year. one of our first experiments is to […]

tomato trellis

we started tomatoes from seed on january 25th…we were worried about them at first, but now have 23 tomatoes that are hardened off and thriving. yesterday we built a trellis for them and strung them up to bask and grow in the sunshine! here’s a pic of about half of them…