Category Archives: in the dirt

Crooked River Coffee – Yaya Carrots

Being big fans of the Tiny Farm Blog, we are now trying one of his tried and true methods of carrot germination – the burlap method. We got burlap sacks from our friend at Crooked River Coffee, a local roaster in the area. We are excited to see how this method works. Basically, the burlap […]

Jang Seeder

Last year we purchased a Jang Clean Seeder for planting rows of veggies. The past 2 weekends we have used the seeder and wanted to share an update of how it works. Since, we are still awaiting germination on most of the plants, we cannot comment too much on its precision in terms of the […]

Spring 2010 Update

On April 2nd, the temperature reached 87 degrees, a new record. Time to get out in the dirt and start planting! Since this is our first year growing for market, we’ve scaled our growing capacity quite a bit and purchased tools to make the transition a bit easier. This post outlines what we are doing to prepare […]

Seeds Ordered!

After pouring over the seed catalogs, we finally have our order in for this season’s market garden. So, whatcha planting??? We based our crops on the highest margin items listed in the SPIN guides. Here’s a list of what we got going on this season and where we got the seeds. Johnny’s Leafy Greens Arugula […]

Birdtown Action Plan

As property owners in Birdtown, we are excited to see a focus on improving the neighborhood so the area can thrive. The Birdtown Action Plan focuses on proposals to improve the quality of life for those in the Birdtown/Madison East region of Lakewood. Originally founded by Union Carbide, Birdtown became home to many who worked […]

Pining for Summer

Have you ever had a memory triggered by a smell? Well, that’s what happened to me today when I ate a salad that had strawberries in it. Not sure where they came from, but guessing they are not from around these parts….not this time of year anyway. But, the smell….ah, it brought back memories and […]