Author Archives: annabel

Bertha – on the road

Since we purchased the Grillo Tractor with the Berta Rotary Plow attachment (now affectionately known as Bertha), we’ve been contemplating how we can use this to help other small farmers, while at the same time generating income for our farm venture to keep it sustainable. One idea is to turn the plow into a service […]

Applesauce Recipe

It’s fall and that means apples. Applesauce, apple crisp, apple pancakes….Yesterday we boiled the apples for applesauce. Applesauce Recipe Makes about 10 quarts lots of apples – we filled a 12 qt. pan and half of an 8 qt. pan (sorry….we didn’t weigh before hand) cinnamon – 2 tbs. water Wash and cut the apples. […]

tearing up the front lawn!

Over the weekend, we finally got the BCS out with the rotary plow attachment and decided to put it to use on our front lawn. Who needs lawn anyway? Gotta mow it every week in summer and reseed it when it dies off….what a pain! So, we dug some up as another experiment. Our garden […]