have you ever eaten a tomato in the middle of winter that tasted like cardboard? well, let me tell you, picking a tomato off the vine, slicing it open and watching the juice drip onto the cutting board is a beautiful thing. i add a little salt and eat it just like that, letting the […]
we are finally getting tomatoes! and soon to have too many….. some of our tomato plants look diseased. not sure what this is all about. the plants still have tomatoes, but the leaves look terrible. any ideas what this is?
in our continuous search for all things garden-related, we have come across so many important inputs on craigslist….it’s our favorite place to shop! latest find is free manure for the garden. that’s right, dear reader, your food (if it’s grown locally… generally speaking) is not grown in chemicals or by chemicals, but by that all […]
we recently placed straw mulch around the tomatoes, peppers, and cukes. the straw serves several purposes. we use it in conjunction with weekly watering and fertilizer (we use fish emulsion diluted with water – about 1 T fish emulsion to 1 gal water)… why mulch: first, we use it to help keep the soil moist. […]
last week, the letter informing us of our gov’t stimulus check came in the mail. armed with that and a long-time desire to have our house blown, we decided to call an energy auditor. in comes energy saving comfort systems with their blower door, smoke, headlamps, and tubes to help us learn how to seal […]
here’s a picture of my mom’s teepee….in the green mountains of vermont.
we continue to eat lettuce out of our garden. we recently harvested purple beans, which turn green when cooked. herbs are thriving and peppers and tomatoes are soaking up the sun…..in the only full sun spot we have in our yard. below are some updated pics…
on our recent trip to vermont, we made it a point (and an appointment) to visit half pint farm in burlington, vt. we have long enjoyed reading their blog and are intrigued by the model of the intervale community farm. half pint farm covers a little over an acre of land in a flood plain. […]
on a recent weekend trip to vermont, we stopped by the farmer’s diner in quechee, vt, where almost all the food is local even if the waitress isn’t…..ours was a sunny young gal from florida…according to their menu, the restaurant tries to source 80% of its food locally, which actually appeared to mean from vermont. […]
we returned from a week’s vacation to find our garden thriving… first signs of cherry tomatoes on the trellis tomatoes we purchased from the amish at the nearby farmer’s market are looking good! more tomatoes…i can already taste the salsa. this year we are trying a new experiment…the topsy turvy (look in upper left hand […]