What grows in clay and rocks?

We have been pleasantly surprised by the success of many of our beds, especially considering the poor quality of our soil (mostly clay) and the numerous rocks that still plague us! While we’ve had to scrap a few beds due to poor germination, the bulk of the rows have really produced. For example, last week […]

Whaddya wanna do that for???

Since we’ve been on this path and sharing this journey, there are a few questions that people tend to ask over and over again: Farming? Really? Why? For me it’s all about planting seeds and watching them grow. There is something gratifying about seeing that miracle of life evolve. And then there’s the taste…fresh food […]

Crooked River Coffee – Yaya Carrots

Being big fans of the Tiny Farm Blog, we are now trying one of his tried and true methods of carrot germination – the burlap method. We got burlap sacks from our friend at Crooked River Coffee, a local roaster in the area. We are excited to see how this method works. Basically, the burlap […]