We have been pleasantly surprised by the success of many of our beds, especially considering the poor quality of our soil (mostly clay) and the numerous rocks that still plague us! While we’ve had to scrap a few beds due to poor germination, the bulk of the rows have really produced. For example, last week […]
Since we’ve been on this path and sharing this journey, there are a few questions that people tend to ask over and over again: Farming? Really? Why? For me it’s all about planting seeds and watching them grow. There is something gratifying about seeing that miracle of life evolve. And then there’s the taste…fresh food […]
Since the warm weather is upon us and we are still learning the ropes, we ended up with product and not enough customers! What to do? Good thing the local food scene is all about community. Today happens to be market day in Tremont, so we called up one of the vendors we know through […]
Sunday, May 23rd we turned over two of our beds. We harvested the radish bed, pulled out more rocks (will the rock picking ever end???) and added some compost before planting more radishes. The other bed we turned over because we ended up with poor germination of our carrots and decided to start over from […]
Below is a view of the 21 beds we have planted. The green ones are ready to harvest or are in mid-harvest now.
The cool, wet weather has pushed our harvest date a bit later than expected…but we are pulling radishes out of the ground and harvesting baby arugula. Gotta love Spring!
We started prepping and planting on April 2nd. It’s now a month later and we are still standing, though weary with fatigue and rough, calloused hands. The hard work has resulted in 20 beds (30′ x 25″) planted using the SPIN method. There is also an area of onions and potatoes that has been planted […]
Check out how things are growing at the farm! Since the beginning of April, we have managed to get 15 beds (30′ x 25″) prepped, composted, tilled and seeded. In addition, we’ve put in a few additional beds of potatoes and onions. Things are growing nicely so far.
We recently launched our modified CSA program. And, also learned that we are going to be selling at the Lakewood Farmer’s Market starting June 26th. With 12 beds planted and garlic coming up nicely, we feel like we are on the right track and are excited to harvest in a few weeks.
Being big fans of the Tiny Farm Blog, we are now trying one of his tried and true methods of carrot germination – the burlap method. We got burlap sacks from our friend at Crooked River Coffee, a local roaster in the area. We are excited to see how this method works. Basically, the burlap […]