About 6 weeks ago we planted garlic. Since then, it has grown quite a bit. Only one hard frost and unseasonably mild temps have me concerned. Is this okay? Will it survive when it finally snows and freezes? Should we mulch it? It’s covered with black landscape fabric. Read more about the original planting. […]
We recently purchased a used chipper/shredder to chop up leaves in our backyard. The shredded leaves will be used in our compost as the carbon source. We waffled on getting this tool given the expense, use of fuel, etc. but in the end decided to buy a used one in hopes that it helps us […]
Last weekend we built a 2-bin compost out of pallets. The pallets came from Spink’s workplace. We built this because we had outgrown our small 3-bin system that we threw together last year and because we have a lot more food scraps to compost (also from Spink’s work). It is fairly easy to build. We […]
What’s up at the farm? Well, we have been in planning mode with one night a week devoted to planning what to plant, when to plant, how much to plant and where to sell. It’s pretty exciting and the initial planning session outlined our primary goal of being able to grow to sell next season. […]
In an attempt to capitalize on our new tractor and help other urban growers get started, we did another backyard project. Read about the results below. Below is a brief video of the Grillo Tractor with Berta Rotary Plow attachment used on a backyard in Northeast Ohio. The yard had several large roots from trees […]
A few months ago, I noticed some of the arugula in our raised bed had gone to seed. I cut the plants with seed pods and put them in a paper bag to dry. Today, I found them in the cupboard and decided to see what they looked like. The pods and the stems were […]
After attending a 2008 party catered by Doug Katz of Fire Food & Drink, we finally made it to his restaurant. Fire, aptly named for its wood fired pizza oven and tandoor, is a real treat and is now our new favorite on the other side of town. As often as possible, we try to […]
Orange is the color for fall….food, that is. With all the squash that’s coming from the garden and is available at the farmer’s market, it’s easy to make a colorful fall meal. This year we bought a pumpkin, but never got around to carving it. This is a great link to how to prepare a […]
Yesterday was a great day! We met a local (she lives on our street!) urban farmer who specializes in growing herbs in her backyard – Basil and Beyond, owned and operated by Cindy Bischof-Steinbrick. This happens to be the first urban farm in Lakewood. It was a treat to talk with her and learn about […]
The garlic is poking its beautiful head through and smack in the middle of the holes in the black landscape fabric…..yeah! Click here to read how we planted a couple of weeks ago.