Category Archives: tools

Ode to Garlic

A couple weeks ago we pickled some of our garlic in order to make it last longer. We still have several bulbs of garlic to enjoy through winter. Garlic just makes everything better! Here is a short slide show of planting, harvesting and curing garlic. Quite a process and so worth it!

Increasing efficiencies with improvised small farm tools

Since we have been planting seedlings in the hoophouse, we have looked into coming up with an easier way to transplant our soil blocks when they are ready to be put in the ground. The benefits of transplants over direct seeding include not having to thin out your beds, proper spacing for plants and potentially […]

It's hard to make compost…and other lessons learned

Now that we have some time to reflect on the season, we thought it might be helpful to share some of the lessons we learned from our first season of urban market gardening. In no particular order, we give you our lessons learned….likely to grow as we continue to plan. Making compost: Don’t get me […]

Spring 2010 Update

On April 2nd, the temperature reached 87 degrees, a new record. Time to get out in the dirt and start planting! Since this is our first year growing for market, we’ve scaled our growing capacity quite a bit and purchased tools to make the transition a bit easier. This post outlines what we are doing to prepare […]

1st Farm Conference

Bay Branch Farm recently registered to attend the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association’s (OEFFA) annual conference, Growing with Integrity, Eating with Intention. The conference features Joel Salatin as keynote…we’ve read about him (even read some of his books), seen him in several movies about sustainable farming and now we are going to see him […]

More Farm Planning

Just when I thought planning was going well for the season, I start hearing about others who have already started their seeds indoors and already know what they are planting, when and where! Geez….well, we may be a couple weeks behind, but this is lighting a fire under us. My sister gave us the best […]

Bertha – on the road

In an attempt to capitalize on our new tractor and help other urban growers get started, we did another backyard project. Read about the results below. Below is a brief video of the Grillo Tractor with Berta Rotary Plow attachment used on a backyard in Northeast Ohio. The yard had several large roots from trees […]

Bertha – on the road

Since we purchased the Grillo Tractor with the Berta Rotary Plow attachment (now affectionately known as Bertha), we’ve been contemplating how we can use this to help other small farmers, while at the same time generating income for our farm venture to keep it sustainable. One idea is to turn the plow into a service […]